
Christmas Cake
Prep Time - 45 mins
Baking Time
6 inch cakes - 2 hours
9 inch cake - 4 hours
Baking Time
These Quantities Make:
One 9 inch cake
Two 6 inch cakes
250g Brown Sugar
250g Butter
50g Nuts (optional )
1 Tablespoon Black Treacle
4 Medium Eggs
200g Plain Flour
1 ½ Teaspoons Mixed Spice
1kg Dried Fruit
50g Plain Flour
Zest Of 1 Orange
1. Cream the butter and sugar together using the back of a wooden spoon.
2. Add the nuts and treacle. Stir well.
3. In a small bowl beat one egg.
Pour this into the mix and add ¼ of the flour ( you don’t need to be too accurate ). Mix well.
Repeat with the remaining 3 eggs.
4. Stir in the mixed fruit and mix until it is all coated in cake mixture.
5. Spoon into a lined cake tin. Make a well in the centre of the cake mixture using the back of a spoon.
6. Bake in a pre heated oven (140° C) for 2 hours ( 6 inch tin ) or 4 hours ( 9 inch tin ).
Keep an eye on the cake mix but don't open the oven door too soon. I normally wait until I can smell Christmas coming from the oven !
The cake is baked when you can put in a skewer and it comes out clean.